Limited liability company “Koleso”

INN1215082407, KPP 390601001/250201001, OGRN 1021200756873
Registered office address:

238590, Kaliningrad Oblast, Zelenogradsky District, Kulikovo settlement, Complex Yantarny territory, Yantarnaya Str., bldg. 2, office 101

Bank details:
a/c 40702810526020013583
BIC 046015207
С/a 30101810500000000207

Business address:
Russian Federation, Kaliningrad Oblast, Zelenogradsky municipal okrug, Kulikovo settlement, Complex Yantarny Territory, Yantarnaya Str., building 2

Working hours – around-the-clock

8 800 600 17 77
8 4012 300 100
I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Consent to the processing of personal data.
Kaliningrad Oblast, “Yantarnaya” gaming zone, Kulikovo settlement, Yantarnaya Str., building 2
8 800 600 1 777
8 4012 30 01 00
Entrance to the casino
upon import of passport
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