Shambala Casino Code of Conduct House Rules

Shambala Casino Code of Conduct House Rules

1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules for visiting the Shambala Casino, registered office: 238590, Kaliningrad Oblast, Zelenogradsky District, Kulikovo settlement, Complex Yantarny territory, Yantarnaya Str. bldg. 2, office 101 (hereinafter — the Rules), located by the address: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad Oblast, Zelenogradsky municipal okrug, Kulikovo settlement, Komplex Yantarny territory, Yantarnaya Str., land plot 2 (hereinafter — the Casino), set out the procedure for entry into the Casino and aim at ensuring due public order on the Casino premises, at protecting lives and health, dignity, honor and property of the Casino guests as well as interests and property of the Casino against illegal incidents.
1.2. Casino guests are the players of venturesome games present in the Casino (in the gaming floor) as well as other persons allowed in the Casino in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russin Federation and these Rules.
1.3. These rules shall be binding inside the Casino and in associated areas and shall be observed by all the Casino guests.
1.4. Casino Management reserves the right to amend these Rules in order to improve the quality of services and to enhance the operating efficiency of the Casino.
1.5. Casino Management reserves the right to close (or restrict) access to certain premises and/or areas of the Casino at its own discretion.
1.6. Any guest entering the gaming floor of the Casino acknowledges that they have familiarized themselves with:
· these Casino Code of Conduct House Rules
· the Personal Data Processing Policy
· the Fire Safety Rules
· other documents approved by Casino Management and displayed at a place accessible to visitors, and agrees to observe them in their entirety.

2. Dress code for Casino Guests

2.1. Entry to and presence in the Casino is prohibited for persons wearing:
2.1.1. dirty, staining or torn clothes and shoes;
2.1.2. sportwear and footwear (including clothing and footwear for mountain skiing), the exception being for trainers, sneakers and tennis shoes;
2.1.3. special workwear and footwear or other uniform (except for on-duty staff);
2.1.4. beachwear and beach shoes (including shorts and bathing suits);
2.1.5. camouflage uniforms;
2.1.6. clothes with offensive/obscene inscriptions and drawings (including in foreign languages);
2.1.7. clothes with wordings and drawings (including in foreign languages) aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the basis of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion and belonging to any social group.
2.1.8. outwear, including windbreakers, jackets and vests. The management may classify non-insulated vests, jumpers, jackets and sweatshirts as outwear.
2.2. Persons whose appearance and actions violate the universal principles of morality and ethics are prohibited to enter and stay in the Casino.
2.3. Casino Management may introduce a special dress code for Casino guests in accordance with particular events.

3. Restricted access

Access to the gaming floor of the Casino is prohibited for:
3.1. Persons under the age of 18.
3.2. Persons in a state of alcohol, drug or chemical intoxication or in any other state that does not imply an adequate perception of the surrounding reality.
3.3. Persons with animals/pets, birds, reptiles and any other species of fauna, the exception being made for guide dogs (with requisite muzzle and guide-dog ID) accompanying the guests with disabilities.
3.4. Persons with visible signs suggesting the presence of infectious diseases.
3.5. Persons with clearly visible signs of mental deviation in behavior different from commonly accepted human behavior.
3.6. Blacklisted persons to whom the Casino refuses visits.
Casino Management and its representatives reserve the right to deny access to any person without explanation of reasons.

4. Rights of Casino Guests

4.1. Casino guests shall have the right to use catering services and etc., and attend entertainment events associated with gaming.
4.2. The games set out by Casino Management in the Gaming Rules can only be played in the Casino.
4.3. Any Casino guest shall have the right to seek explanations from members of Casino staff present in the Casino in respect of situations related to any controversial game-related issues. 4.4. Representatives of law enforcement (controlling) authorities are allowed into the territory of the Casino in accordance with the procedure set out by the current legislation.
4.5. Ambulances, emergency response teams and fire brigades arriving to provide aid are allowed in the territory of the Casino when accompanied by security staff.
4.6. Casino guests have the right to film, photograph and videotape themselves, including with the use of mobile devices having the function of photo- and videotaping in the Casino venues. Filming, photographing and videotaping other Casino guests and staff can only be allowed upon their request. The videotaping of gaming equipment and other Casino visitors is prohibited.

5. Obligations of Casino Guests

Casino guests shall observe the provisions as follows:
5.1. Before registering, Casino guests must familiarize themselves with these Rules, as well as the current Casino Gaming Rules, Betting and Payout Rules. A guest who disagrees with the Casino staff requests, must duly comply with them.
5.2. Casino guests must have their ID document with them. In accordance with the Casino code of conduct house rules, the ID documents of the citizen of the Russian Federation are as follows:
· a regular passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
· a residence permit (for stateless persons if permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation);
Foreign citizens must have their passport of a foreign national as their ID with attached migration card.
Driving license is not accepted by the Casino as an ID document.
5.3. When visiting the Casino any guest shall present their regular ID document of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign national that confirms they have reached the established age for visiting casinos. The document data must be entered into the visitor card.
5.4. A visitor card is not an ID document. At the request of Casino staff, a guest must show their guest card and requisite identification document in accordance with these Rules in order to prove their age and identity.
5.5. During the gaming, the current Gaming Rules shall be observed.
5.6. Playing and betting for another guest or entering the game without personal attendance on the gaming floor if prohibited.
5.7. Guests may not illegally take possession of other players’ chips, nor pass/resell chips to another player.
5.8. Guests shall observe these Rules and maintain decorum, morality and ethics.
5.9. Guest shall behave correctly and with restrain, and neither cause public disturbance, nor violate commonly accepted rules of morality, ethics and acceptable speech.
5.10. Guests shall avoid actions that disturb other visitors’ comfort and enjoyment.
5.11. Guests shall observe cleanliness and order in the Casino.
5.12. Upon entry into the Casino guests shall familiarize themselves with and observe the Fire Safety Rules.
5.13. Casino guests shall strictly comply with the demands of Casino security staff when they are requested to remedy failures to comply with the Casino house rules.
5.14. At the entrance to the Casino all guests shall undergo a checkout and open their bags, briefcases and etc. when requested by the security staff. If a guest fails to comply with such request, Casino security staff reserve the right to deny access into the Casino to such guest.
5.15. In compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No.115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 “On counteracting Legalization of Proceeds from Crime, and Financing of Terrorism”, guests are required to notify the Casino Manager of any changed made to the ID documents, such as:

•Last name, name, and patronymic (unless otherwise results from the current law or national customs);
•ID document particulars: name, series and number, date of issue, issuing organization, department code (if available);
•Migration card data: series and number, document validity start date and expiry date;
•Data of the document confirming the right of a foreign national or a stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation: document series (if available) and number, start date of the right to stay (reside), date of expiry of the right to stay (reside);
•Information of a guest’s registered place of residence (address) or current place of residence (stay),
the next time of their Casino visit to update the information.
5.16. Casino guests who have found a lost item in the Casino premises shall immediately notify the person who has lost the same, or the item owner, or any other persons known to them who are entitled to have the same, and return the found item to such person. If the owner of the lost item cannot be identified, the item is to be handed to Casino Management.

6. Guests are not allowed to:

6.1. Violate current Code of Conduct House Rules of the Casino.
6.2. Damage or otherwise deteriorate the property of the Casino.
6.3. Enter and stay in the Casino utility rooms (the exception being for the on-duty officers of law enforcement bodies, supervising and control bodies).
6.4. Get in contact with any Casino staff outside the gaming except for the persons whose duties include communication with Casino guests (Casino Management, security staff, managers, receptionists).
6.5. Interfere with Casino staff in the performance of their duties.
6.6. Smoking in the Casino is prohibited in compliance with the applicable laws.
Decisions on any issues in respect of visits to and presence at the Casino are vested in Casino Management in compliance with these Rules and Gaming Rules established in the Casino.

7. Items prohibited in the Casino territory

7.1. Any kinds of firearms, air gun, gas and spray or bladed weapons regardless of any document providing the right to bear such, special protective equipment of any kind (except for law enforcement officers bearing sidearms and attending the Casino premises in the performance of their duties), as well as any other devices that in security staff view may cause injury to the Casino staff or guests.
7.2. Any kind of narcotic, poisonous, explosive, radioactive, combustible, inflammable, toxic or strong odor substances.
7.3. Replicas and mockups of firearms, gas and spray weapons, non-lethal and bladed weapons.
7.4. Bulk items (bulky luggage, suitcases, backpacks, sport equipment and etc.).
7.5. Photo- and video equipment, laptops, portable PC, electronic scanners and readers, other appliances, the purpose of which cannot be identified by external features.
7.6. Playing cards, dice and other Casino gambling accessories.
7.7. Substances with strong odors (hair spray, gas or pepper spray, deodorant and etc.).
7.8. Alcoholic, soft and any other beverages and food.
Persons carrying any type of items prohibited to bring in the territory of the Casino in compliance with these Rules are not allowed in the Casino.
If required, the information of persons unlawfully carrying prohibited items in the Casino territory and detained by Casino staff will be filed to low enforcement authorities.

8. Responsibilities of Casino Guests

8.1. In the event that a Casino guest commits unlawful actions with elements of administrative or criminal infraction, Casino staff shall inform law enforcement authorities in order to hold such guest duly accountable. Herewith, security staff of the Casino shall have the right to take lawful measures to suppress the offence and detain the offender.
8.2. In the event of any damage or deterioration inflicted upon the Casino property, the Casino reserves the right to seek full compensation from the offender(s) in accordance with the current civil law of the Russian Federation.

9. Rights and obligations of Casino staff

9.1. In the event of any situations inside the Casino premises that may require the intervention of Casino security, the latter may take such enforcement actions as required within justifiable defense and emergency response.
9.2. The Casino staff member may request any guest in breach of these Rules to immediately leave the Casino and associated premises. Should the offender refuse to comply, enforcement measures may be taken to remove the same outside the Casino and associated premises.
9.3. The Casino bears no responsibility for any personal items unattended on the Casino premises.
9.4. Personal items checked in at the Casino checkroom can be retrieved only upon presentation of the coatroom tag. If the same is lost, the items can be retrieved only in the presence of Casino Management upon presentation of the Casino Guest ID documents and the items description.
9.5. Lost and found personal items shall be registered and stored at the Casino in compliance with the applicable laws.
9.6. The Casino bears no responsibility for any clothes, money, valuables and other items checked in at the coat room.
9.7. Casino Management reserves the right to keep a record of blacklisted persons not allowed in the Casino. Such record may include persons removed from the Casino for breach of these Rules and/or persons listed in similar records at other gaming facilities. Persons recorded in such blacklists are barred from accessing the Casino and associated premises.

10. Notices

10.1. Video and audio surveillance is in place throughout the Casino to ensure safety of guests and staff of the Casino.
10.2. All guests personal data is stored and used by Casino Management in accordance with law established procedures. Such information may be used to prevent offences and for other lawful purposes (including for informing guests on the Casino events and services via e-mail, mail-outs, phone-calls or text messages).
10.3. Casino Management warns about the dangers of excessive gambling and encourages guests to play responsibly.
In all other situation not provided for by these Rules, Casino Management makes final decisions.
These Rules are developed in accordance with the civil code, Federal Law No.244-FZ dated 29.12.2006
“On State Regulation of Gaming Activity and on Amendments to Certain Statutes of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law No.115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 “On counteracting Legalization of Proceeds from Crime, and Financing of Terrorism” and are binding on the Casino premises.

Kaliningrad Oblast, “Yantarnaya” gaming zone, Kulikovo settlement, Yantarnaya Str., building 2
8 800 600 1 777
8 4012 30 01 00
Entrance to the casino
upon import of passport
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